In the last decade, the urban mobility department has implemented top-priority transport-oriented policies in Colombia´s capital city, promoting more sustainable modes of transport and seeking to reduce traffic congestion. This has improved physical infrastructure, such as expanding cycle lanes and pedestrianising multiple public spaces.

‘Al Colegio en Bici’ (2012) and ‘Ciempiés Caminos Seguros’ (2018) are two internationally renowned 2 active mobility interventions implemented in this period, benefiting 2,953 and 910 adolescents aged 11-16. They aim to promote cycling and walking among secondary-school adolescents as practical solutions for reducing traffic. Against this backdrop, children and adolescents have been targeted as beneficiaries of daily commute active mobility solutions. Building on a life course approach and exploring opportunities to strengthen long-standing healthy practices at a critical stage in life, this research will bridge a gap regarding the unexplored health outcomes these interventions promote. OWS will assess the health and equity impacts of these interventions.